I Take The Job Seriously, But I Don’t Take Myself Too Seriously
Anyone who knows their football understands the value of the chase.
The effort to run-down an opponent often seems futile when watching from the grandstand, even more so in the tight framing of our TV screens where the chaser may not even be in the same picture as the chasee.
In fact, a run-down tackle is rare.
Yet, still they chase.
It is because the run-down tackle is not the measure.
The chase is about pressure on the ball carrier, who may not execute as well as they otherwise would. A small, almost non-discernible skill error that allows the chaser’s teammate to impact on the next contest when his opponent has to slow to receive a ball they would have marked meters in the clear. Or the ball carrier might be forced a few metres wider, slowed, allowing the chaser’s teammate to fill a space and intercept, and now defence is attack.
The chase is often the difference.
It is serious stuff.
The designCEO theme for 2021:
“The defining characteristic of every great team is leadership. Leadership isn’t a difference-maker; it is the difference-maker.”
Facing into the year and thinking you might need leadership support for yourself, your team, or organisation to build a high-performance culture…
We have locked in a schedule for the full year of our half-day Virtual Leadership Masterclass for you and your team.
Unlock your leadership game. Go for it.
What do you bring to the team?
What are you prepared to do for the team?
While not noticed in the grandstand, the chase is applauded in the coaches box and recognised in the forum that counts most, the game review meetings the next day.
In these forums, with only your coaches and teammates in attendance, you are judged not by what you bring to the team, but what you are prepared to give to the team.
Chasing is giving.
So what are you chasing?
What is your pursuit?
Leadership is a pursuit.
Pursuit of ‘what happened?’ What did I/we learn and how do I share my/our learnings? Set up your own game review meeting.
Pursuit of ‘what now?‘. What is the best of you, in this moment?
Pursuit of ‘what next?’. Where are you going with this?
It is the pursuit of belief, knowledge, hope, grace, calm, performance, humility, bravery…of what needs to change to ‘be’ these things, rather than just ‘do’ them, often unsighted and unrewarded.
Pursuit of something bigger than you.
Pursuit of purpose.
I was talking to an AFL CEO recently, chatting about an issue that’d been the subject of public debate.
Almost as a throwaway line, he said:
“I take the job seriously, but I don’t take myself too seriously”
I then thought of all the times I took myself way too seriously.
It is a really good line, worthy of sharing.
I am often asked about digital art and my process.
I use an app called Procreate for drawing. It is a ripper. Great for someone keen to try a bit of art on their iPad with the Apple Pencil, or the serious artist looking to experiment with this kind of drawing.
The learning curve is not too steep, and you can take it as far as you feel comfortable with its deep pool of options.
I recently did this drawing, titled “Magic Hands” using Procreate.
The drawing is of former Collingwood captain, the late Terry Waters, who I remember as a strong marking player at a time I was falling in love with the game. The ‘magic hands’ is also reference to the old trainer rubbing out a corked thigh to allow the skipper to return to the fray.
…and a timeless song lyric:
Mike Brady’s “Up there Cazaly”
Still love this. Never been a better sporting tune.
Well you work to earn a living
But on weekends comes the time
You can do what ever turns you on
Get out and clear your mind
Me, I like football
But there’s a lot of things around
When you line them up together
The footy wins hands down
Up there Cazaly
In there and fight
Out there and at ’em
Show ’em your might
Up there Cazaly
Don’t let ’em in
Fly like an angel
You’re out there to win
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